So in reading some of the 1 star reviews Im left shaking my head. The complaints about the language are silly, just like the game. The bad translations-- intentional or not-- are hilarious. My co-workers and I play this and have a blast with it.
First off, it takes pieces from all the other app games out there (so yeah it has cloned mechanics, so does everything these days) but it feels like the best of them.
The developer(s) give tons of free stuff all the time (literally the best character, Goku, is given to you right away) and the gacha / in-app system is just more for the diehards.
Theres also like a billion things to do, sure the fighting is automated, but you manage the formation and builds for your team. You also have events to do with your guild and a ton of daily events. In fact, at the start I was almost overwhelmed with how much there was to do.
Im loving it and definitely sticking around. Im on Server 2 and VP for Jade Company if youre looking to play.
Thanaduos about Heroes Hit